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How Palas? Helps to Manage the Weather

How Palas Helps to Manage the Weather

Palas® and Scientific Research Institution Explore Technology Innovation Together

Beijing Weather Modification Office is responsible for scientific research and management of weather modification in Beijing. Its main duty includes artificial rain enhancement and hail prevention, etc. in Beijing. The office has been providing supports for major events such as the 2008 Beijing Olympics. It recently purchased a customized Palas® Promo® 2000 aerosol spectrometer. We talked with the senior engineer from the Beijing Weather Modification Office who study the microphysical process of clouds in the atmosphere. This article will share with you the story of how the research institution uses the Palas® instrument to explore scientific research.

Palas® Promo® 2000 Aerosol Spectrometer

World-renowned Reputation from Germany to China

At the beginning of the new research, Beijing Weather Modification Office lacked special equipment suitable for research. Palas® came into their sight from foreign experts in the industry. After learning that similar research institutions in Germany had used Palas® instruments to achieve successful research, the Beijing Weather Modification Office also decided to give it a try. “So far, there is no commercialized instrument that can meet our scientific research needs yet, but Palas® can provide special customized research instruments. Besides, the powerful functions and stable performance of Palas® instruments are well-known worldwide. That is why we finally chose Palas®,” said the engineer from Beijing Weather Modification Office.

Customized Services Suitable for Scientific Research

The project studied by the Beijing Weather Modification Office needs to simulate the high-altitude environment. Therefore, the researching instruments are required to accurately measure the cloud droplet spectrum of 2-100 microns under the conditions of low pressure and low temperature, in order to distinguish between cloud droplets and ice crystal particles. The engineer of the Beijing Weather Modification Office said: “After we contacted Palas®, Palas® China immediately understood our needs and started to customize the instrument for us.” Due to the particularity of this research, Palas® specially customized and modified Promo® 2000 to meet the experimental needs.

Customized Palas® instrument for Beijing Weather Modification Office

Promo® 2000 Used in Scientific Research to Reach Technology Innovation

The highlight that attracted the engineer from Beijing Weather Modification Office the most was that Promo® 2000 applied a unique white light technology, which is a technological level that no other companies have yet reached. The Promo® 2000 system uses a uniform xenon white light source. The aerosol particle stream passes through the light source to produce and detect a light scattering effect at a 90-degree scattering angle. At the same time, the built-in software uses the entire Mie theory to calculate the volume distribution and the number of particles. Therefore, the particle count and particle size distribution can be obtained at the same time without interfering with each other. This is an important requirement for a high-precision aerosol spectrometer.

The new patented T-hole sensor technology of Promo® 2000 solves the elimination of edge effects and the counting problem of overlapping particles, enabling high-concentration aerosol particle size measurement and counting to achieve high precision. "The China Meteorological Service has also purchased Promo® 2000 and plans to purchase Palas® U-SMPS instruments in the future. Palas®'s leading white light particle technology makes it a technological breakthrough in the instrument, which will better help us further research.” Promo® 2000 has leading technical advantages from the measurement principle and is an innovative product in the research field.

Quality Service for a Brighter Future

"In addition to providing us with strong technical support, we are also very satisfied with Palas®’s service. Communication with Palas® is also smooth, and the after-sales maintenance and calibration are very efficient and thoughtful." Two months after the Beijing Weather Modification Office has contacted Palas® China, Palas® has completed the customization of devices. The senior engineer of the Beijing Weather Modification Office said that the scope of application of the Palas® instrument involves the fields of meteorology and environmental protection. In addition to being used in meteorolgy research institutions like his, the Palas® instrument must have more application scenarios. The senior engineer hopes to see Palas® more often in different academic conferences and seminars in the future!

Promo® 2000 used in Beijing Weather Modification research institute

Palas® China will arrange a series of online webinars both in English and Chinese for Promo® aerosol spectrometer, PMFT mask filtration efficiency tester, MFP series filter material tester, and Aerosol Generator and Dilution System, as well as Fidas®, AQ Guard air quality detector, U-SMPS scanning electric mobility particle size spectrometer, HMT testing system, and many other solutions. If interested in the webinars for our products, you are more than welcome to register on our official website and get the latest webinar plan!

Register online now to participate in our webinars if interested (Link: ).


Day of week





14:00 - 15:30

SMPS Webinar "Basics"




Fidas® & AQ Guard & Cloud Droplet Analyst & Promo® 2000 & SMPS Application



14:00 - 15:30

PMFT Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

Fidas® & AQ Guard Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

Promo® & Aerosol Generator & Dilution system Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

SMPS Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

MFP Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

Fidas® & AQ Guard Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

PMFT Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

HMT 1000 Webinar "Basics" How Palas® Helps to Manage the WeatherHow Palas® Helps to Manage the Weather


Contact: Nick.Zhang

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Tel: 021-56035615

Email: info@cqjswh.com

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