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Semiconductor Measurement systemm

  • Systems for Tribology
  • Systems for Tribology
  • Systems for Tribology
Systems for TribologySystems for TribologySystems for Tribology

Systems for Tribology

  • Product description: Systems for Tribology

Tribometer Chamber

Module for study of tribological properties between two surfaces in UHV or ambient pressure conditions.

  • Applied load from 1 to 10N
  • Friction measurements from 0.001 to 2
  • Closed loop control of applied load

Tribometer chamber features:

  • 2 axes manipulator (with heating) for ball sample holders (up to 1/2")
  • 1 axis manipulator (with heating and cooling) for flat sample holders
  • pressure range from 10-9 mbar up to 1 bar
  • prepared to work with e.g. oxygen, hydrogen, water vapor, simple hydrocarbons and others
  • modular design allows for connecting deposition modules (MBE, PLD, sputtering) or analysis modules (XPS, UPS, ARPES, IR etc.)
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