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Ultra Vacuum Products

  • RIE


  • Refractive Ion Etching System
  • Product description: Refractive Ion Etching System


An RIE is a type of plasma source in which the energy is supplied by electrical currents produced by electromagnetic induction; that is, by time-varying magnetic fields. In its simplest form, an inductively coupled plasma consists of avacuum vessel, into which the gas to be ionized is administered, and an induction coil,driven by a source of RF power. The coil is generally separated from the vacuum regionby a dielectric window. The wide range of applications for RF-driven, inductively coupled plasma sources has recently expanded into processing tools for coating or etching systems in the microelectronics industry.

System configuration:  R&D
Substrate size :  2” - 6” (50.8mm - 150mm)
Etch Uniformity :  1.06±% within 3” wafer
Etch rate :  1.16μm/min
Process Chamber :   Al anodized Chamber
Substrate :    He backside cooling / Bias / Chiller (-20℃ ~ 50℃)
Source :   ICP source with plasma spiral coil
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