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Material Measurement System

  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
  • Scan Kelvin Probe System
Scan Kelvin Probe SystemScan Kelvin Probe SystemScan Kelvin Probe SystemScan Kelvin Probe SystemScan Kelvin Probe SystemScan Kelvin Probe SystemScan Kelvin Probe System

Scan Kelvin Probe System

  • Scanning
  • Working Function
  • Fermi Energy
  • Product description: Scan Kelvin Probe System

Our large range of Scanning Kelvin Probes gives the user full access to 2D and 3D Work Function plots of samples ranging in size from 50 mm to 350 mm. With work function resolution of 1 - 3 meV, and the spatial resolution of the probe tip diameter (0.05 mm with our SKP5050 model), the Scanning Kelvin Probe gives reliable, repeatable measurements for work function, contact potential difference and Volta potential.

A high performance optical/Faraday enclosure shields all of our scanning systems from unwanted fast changing environmental conditions, electromagnetic interference and provides the perfect platform for our Ambient Pressure Photoemission Spectroscopy and Surface Photovoltage add-on modules.

Latest materials and applications from publications

Corrosion protection, carbon steel, thin films, solar cells, molybdenum oxide, zinc oxide nanowire films, quantum dots, hole-transport, nanoparticles, graphene, organic light emitting diodes