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Scientific Research Test Equipment that Can Fly?

Scientific Research Test Equipment that Can Fly?

Palas® Fidas® Fly 100 provides technical supports for Hunan University of Technology

As part of the Hunan University of Technology, the College of Civil Engineering is mainly dedicated to the research of building environment and pollution control. The laboratory from the college has already had good experiences with Palas® aerosol generators and aerosol spectrometers for its scientific research.

Special Equipment needed

Palas® obviously made a good impression when the laboratory decided to trust the monodisperse aerosol generator and a polydisperse aerosol generator from the German Aerosol measurement specialist. For a challenging new project, the researchers contacted Palas® again. This time the Fidas® Fly 100 was the right solutions for their special needs.

Measurement Capability Far Beyond Expectations

The laboratory from Hunan University of Technology is mainly dedicated to study the parameters of inhalable particulate matter in high-altitude environments to understand environmental pollution. This is where Fidas® Fly 100 fit in perfectly. This model can be integrated into drones and at the same time it can be used in high-altitudes. Most importantly, the Fidas® Fly 100 can stably measure all the information about the particles that all the laboratory needed in the demanded environment. The laboratory often measures certain pollutants in a specific area. In the case of a specific measurement object, the measurement height will not exceed 200 meters, while the measurable range height of Fidas® Fly 100 is about 2000 meters.

In the actual inspection and measurement situation, when the drone is at an altitude of 150 meters from the ground, it is difficult for surveyors to observe it with the naked eye. The control system of Fidas® Fly 100 can stably cope with the situation of blind flight. The operator can specify the flight coordinates for the instrument in advance, and can also control its flight trajectory flexibly and stably. In addition to the advantages in the measurement distance range, Fidas® Fly 100 also has advantages in actual particle measurement. The main subject of laboratory measurement is inhalable particulate matter, and Fidas® Fly 100 can not only measure this particulate matter, but also measure the quality parameters of TSP, PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and other inhalable particulate matter at the same time.

The Pursuit of Advanced Technology, the Exploration of the Scientific Field

With its excellent technology, Fidas® Fly 100 not only helps the laboratory complete its research topics, but also helps more researchers to conduct scientific research due to the advantages of its measurement range. Other laboratories in Hunan University of Technology have also borrowed Palas® instruments for research. Now, Fidas® Fly 100 has become an instrument listed in the instrument sharing system of universities in Hunan Province. Through the sharing platform, the technical capabilities of Fidas® Fly 100 can help more researchers to further advance scientific research.

Lightweight, Portable and Flexible

Fidas® Fly 100 was developed as a real-time dust monitor for battery operation capable of flying and is characterized by its significantly low total weight of only 1400 g. The integration of the Fidas® Fly 100 in any desired drone or any other carrier system is easily possible. Because of this high flexibility, plenty of possible applications are imaginable – especially at measurement sites difficult to access. The integrated battery allows for a self-sustaining measuring time of up to 6 hours. Fidas® Fly 100 enables the continuous and simultaneous measurement of environmentally relevant mass fractions PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, TSP or respirable, thoracic, and inhalable mass fractions as per DIN EN 481. In addition the particle number concentration as well as the particle size distribution in up to 64 size classes within the particle size range of 0.18 – 18 μm or 0.5 – 40 μm is determined.

Fidas® Fly 100 Fine Dust Aerosol Spectrometer


  • Flexible possibilities for installation and application due to small dimensions and very light weight

  • Continuous and simultaneous real-time measurement of multiple PM values

  • Additional information based on particle number concentration and particle size distribution

  • Highly independent due to battery operation

  • Up to six hours measuring time in battery mode

  • Light source: LED

  • PDAnalyze Fidas® software for individual analysis of your measurement data on an external PC

  • Low maintenance

  • External check of calibration on site possible

  • Intuitive and easy to operate

  • Reliable function


  • Integration in carrier systems such as, e.g., drones (for example, Fidas® Fly 200) or unmanned vehicles

  • Integration in one’s own measurement setup, housing or payload unit

Click here to learn more about Fidas® Fly 100 (link to the CN website, Fidas® Fly 100)

Palas® China will arrange a series of online webinars both in English and Chinese for Fidas®, AQ Guard air quality detector, U-SMPS scanning electric mobility particle size spectrometer, HMT testing system, as well as MFP series filter material tester, PMFT mask filtration efficiency tester, Promo® aerosol spectrometer, and Aerosol Generator and Dilution System, and many other solutions. If interested in the webinars for our products, you are more than welcome to register on our official website and get the latest webinar plan!

Register online now to participate in our webinars if interested (Link: ).


Day of week





14:00 - 15:30

Promo® & Aerosol Generator & Dilution system Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

SMPS Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

MFP Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

Fidas® & AQ Guard Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

PMFT Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

HMT 1000 Webinar "Basics"


Contact: Nick.Zhang

Phone: 13916855175

Tel: 021-56035615

Email: info@cqjswh.com

Add: Suite902,No.3,Magnolia Green Square,Lane251,SongHuaJiang Road,Shanghai,China,200093