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Aerosol Spectrometer Travels Around China

Aerosol Spectrometer Travels Around China

Palas® Fidas® series are being tested for the applicability in many cities of China

In order to better serve the Chinese market, Palas® established a branch in China in July 2020. From the beginning of its establishment, it has been preparing for the applicability test of Single Particle Aerosol Distribution Spectrometers (SPADS) in various cities of China. As of March 2021, Palas® Fidas® series have already obtained data and results in Beijing, Shenzhen, Jiangsu, and many other places. Mr. Eason Zhuang, the Application & AfterSales Manager from Palas®, is the leader of the team for this applicability test. He introduced his experience with the applicability test of SPADS.

Testing is All Over China

As Palas® Application & AfterSales Manager, Mr. Zhuang is responsible for Product Applications and development as well After-Sales Service for Greater China as well Asian Region. He has many years of working experience in the instrument industry, as well a deep understanding of the particle monitoring field. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, new technologies have been continuously applied to particulate matter monitoring. The core technology of Palas® products is unique in the industry. In order to better help Palas® customers, Mr. Zhuang applies these technologies to the current monitoring business.

The Data Tested in Shenzhen Shows: The Parallelism of PM10 and PM2.5 Was about 3%

Since November 2020, Mr. Zhuang has been preparing for the applicability test of SPADS in various places of China. In just a few months, Palas® team has used the Single Particle Aerosol Distribution Spectrometers, Fidas® series in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Jiangsu to conduct tests. So far, all measurement data in Beijing show that the testing result of PM2.5 have a high correlation with that using manual gravimetrical measurement methods. The data tested in Shenzhen also concluded the parallelism of PM10 and PM2.5 was about 3%. It was found at a test point in Jiangsu that the degree of matching between PM10 and β-ray automatic monitoring equipment was high.

The Data Tested in Beijing Shows: PM2.5 Have A High Correlation With that Using Manual Gravimetrical Measurement Methods

Technical Advantages Verified Through Testing

“According to the data of the test results, Fidas® series have the advantages of high time resolution and good parallelism.” Mr. Zhuang said, “While obtaining mass concentration and particle size distribution information, the tested data also reflects its comparison with reference methods and traditional β-ray online instruments is highly relevant. At the same time, technical defects such as PM2.5 and PM10 inversion has not occurred during the measurement process.” Fidas® series are optical single particle measuring devices, utilizing the acknowledged principle of single particle light scattering size analysis. The calibration of the instrument can be verified. Fidas® series determine the particle size using Lorenz‐Mie scattered light analysis of single particles. The particles travel individually through an optically confined measurement volume which is homogeneously illuminated with polychromatic light. Every particle generates a scattered light impulse that is detected at an angle between 85° and 95°. The particle number is determined based on the number of scattered light impulses. VIa this technical advantage, Fidas® series provide excellent classification precision and resolution.

The Data Tested in Jiangsu Shows: PM10 Is Highly Relevant with the Traditional Β-Ray Online Instruments

The Testing Continues

"With the continuous expansion of business, the testing also needs to evolve to meet the ever-increasing customer needs." Mr. Zhuang understands that only continuously improving technology can continue to provide customers with high-quality services. The applicability test of Fidas® series in China keeps moving. In order to better understand the situation in various places, and to better optimization algorithm and parameters, Mr. Zhuang and his team have completed the installation at the test sites in Shanghai and Sichuan, which the testing is starting soon. The tests will also be extended to typical places, such as Shanxi and Shandong. Through these tests, Palas®’s instrument applicability can be optimized, and better experience can be provided to the customers.

Complete Installations at the test sites in Shanghai and Sichuan

Fidas® Series Single Particle Aerosol Distribution Spectrometers


  • Certified according to TüV Rheinland Germany and MCERTS UK

  • Continuous and simultaneous real-time measurement of multiple PM values

  • Additional information on the basis of particle number concentration

  • Adjustable time resolution from over 1s to 24h

  • Cloud zone via Palas® server for worldwide data retrieval

  • Low maintenance, low consumables


  • Regulatory pollution control in monitoring networks

  • Long-term studies of particles

  • Mobile navigation monitoring

  • Emission dispersion studies

Click here to learn more about Fidas® 200 series (link to the CN website, Fidas® 200: http://palas.com.cn/product/fidas-200/)

Palas® China will arrange a series of online webinars both in English and Chinese for Fidas®, AQ Guard air quality detector, U-SMPS scanning electric mobility particle size spectrometer, HMT testing system, as well as MFP series filter material tester, PMFT mask filtration efficiency tester, Promo® aerosol spectrometer, and Aerosol Generator and Dilution System, and many other solutions. If interested in the webinars for our products, you are more than welcome to register on our official website and get the latest webinar plan!

Register online now to participate in our webinars if interested (Link: http://palas.com.cn/contact-us/).


Day of week





14:00 - 15:30

SMPS Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

MFP Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

Fidas® & AQ Guard Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

PMFT Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

HMT 1000 Webinar "Basics"


Contact: Nick.Zhang

Phone: 13916855175

Tel: 021-56035615

Email: info@cqjswh.com

Add: Suite902,No.3,Magnolia Green Square,Lane251,SongHuaJiang Road,Shanghai,China,200093