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How Palas Supports Research for Better Air Quality


How Palas® Supports Research for Better Air Quality

Single Particle Aerosol Distribution Spectrometers (SPADS) Fidas® Helps USST to Conduct Academic Research

The School of Energy and Power Engineering in the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology is strong in the fields of energy and power equipment manufacturing, particle measurement, and clean combustion. Since 2013, the single particle aerosol distribution spectrometer (SPADS), Palas® Fidas®, is supporting professors and students of the college to carry out academic research.

Instruments with Innovative Measuring Range

Since the expectation of air quality started to increase in 2013, the students launched a project of particle monitoring to find out effective ways to improve air quality. Back then, the testing equipment that the students used could only measure particles above PM10, and more advanced equipment was needed immediately to assist the project. A professor from the school had a good experience of using Palas®’s instrument when as a student, and was deeply impressed by Palas®. Therefore, with the advantages such as wide measuring range, accurate testing ability, and fast reaction speed, Palas® Fidas® SPADS became their partner. It helped the school measure PM1, PM2.5, and many other particles.

The Palas® instrument has brought simple, convenient, and stable experience to the professors and students. So far, Palas® has helped the school complete several scientific research projects and successfully publish papers. By using Fidas® to monitor the particle of chalk during the wiping process in the classroom, the students published two academic papers in journals: Analysis of the Effect of Chalk Aerosol Concentration in a Classroom and Experiment Study on Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Chalk Aerosol in a Classroom. In addition, there was also a student who participated in academic competitions with the help of Palas® Fidas®, studied the design of blocking particles during bicycle riding and achieved excellent results.

Students were Monitoring Particle in the Combustion Laboratory

Updated Technology

In the past many years of using Palas®, the professors and students of the school are very satisfied with Fidas®. In the future, the school plans to purchase Palas® Fidas® Fly to measure the particles in the morning and evening peak hours near the highways. Fidas® Fly is a real-time dust monitor with battery operation capable of flying. Due to its low weight and compact dimensions, the integration of the Fidas® Fly 100 in any desired drone or any other carrier system can be easily achieved.

Data Obtained by Students using Palas® Fidas®

In order to help academic institutions such as the School of Energy and Power Engineering in the USST to carry out research, Palas® continues its technology research and development. In addition to Fidas® Fly, Palas® also launched a new aerosol spectrometer Fidas® 200. The fine dust measurement device Fidas® 200 is an aerosol spectrometer developed specifically for regulatory automatic particle monitoring. It analyzes continuously the fine dust particles present in the ambient air in the size range 180 nm – 18 μm and calculates simultaneously the emission values PM10 and PM2.5. At the same time, PM1, PM4, PMtot, the particle number concentration Cn, and the particle size distribution are calculated and recorded. With the advantages of no consumables, low energy consumption, and low operating expenses, Fidas® 200 provides its best technology to many research institutions.

Fidas® Single Particle Aerosol Distribution Spectrometers (SPADS)


  • Certified according to TüV Rheinland Germany and MCERTS UK

  • Continuous and simultaneous real-time measurement of multiple PM values

  • Additional information based on particle number concentration

  • Adjustable time resolution from over 1s to 24h

  • Cloud zone via Palas® server for worldwide data retrieval

  • Low maintenance, low consumables


  • Regulatory pollution control in monitoring networks

  • Long-term studies of particles

  • Mobile navigation monitoring

  • Emission dispersion studies

Click here to learn more about Fidas® 200 series (link to the EN website, Fidas® 200: http://palas.com.cn/product/fidas-200/)

Palas® China will arrange a series of online webinars both in English and Chinese for Fidas®, AQ Guard air quality detector, U-SMPS scanning electric mobility particle size spectrometer, HMT testing system, as well as MFP series filter material tester, PMFT mask filtration efficiency tester, Promo® aerosol spectrometer, and Aerosol Generator and Dilution System, and many other solutions. If interested in the webinars for our products, you are more than welcome to register on our official website and get the latest webinar plan!

Register online now to participate in our webinars if interested (Link: http://palas.com.cn/contact-us/).


Day of week





14:00 - 15:30

MFP Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

Fidas® & AQ Guard Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

PMFT Webinar "Basics"



14:00 - 15:30

HMT 1000 Webinar "Basics"


Contact: Nick.Zhang

Phone: 13916855175

Tel: 021-56035615

Email: info@cqjswh.com

Add: Suite902,No.3,Magnolia Green Square,Lane251,SongHuaJiang Road,Shanghai,China,200093