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Ultra Vacuum Products

  • MOKE


  • Product description: MOKE System

MOKE Systems

Henniker scientific prevac project 516 moke system

UHV system for the in-situ real time magneto-optical Kerr effect studies of ultra-thin magnetic films and multilayers with film deposition by e-beam evaporation.

  • Base pressure range 10-10 mbar after bakeout at 150 °C
  • Magnetic poles arranged perpendicularly to the sample
  • Field beetwen magnetic poles > 0,17 Tesla
  • 4-axes UHV sample manipulator for flag sample holders
  • Sample heating up to 800 °C & cooling with LN2
  • Optical system for MOKE chamber (modulator, polaryzers, photodetector, laser)
  • Whole chamber with equipment is mounted on the positioning stage
  • Vacuum suitcase for sample easy transport