
Language: Chinese line English

Aerosol System

  • Fine Dust Monitor
Fine Dust Monitor

Fine Dust Monitor

  • Product description: Fine Dust Monitor

Fine Dust Monitor

The Fidas® range of Environmental particulate monitors is offered in different model versions to provide a cost effective solution for specific applications in the reliable indoor / outdoor air quality measurement. AllFidas® systems are equipped with a LED light source with high light stability and long lifetime and an inline filter holder to allow for collection of the contaminant on a filter media and subsequent investigation of the composition of the aerosol.
Fidas Mobile Portable handheld device with battery or mains operation for the simultaneous measurement of the dust values PM1, PM2.5, respirable fraction (PM4), thoracic fraction (PM10), inhalable  fraction (TSP), the particle number as well as - if desired - the particle size distribution in 32 size classes per decade.
The DustView is a novel cost effective instrument that determines the level of dust in a bulk material.
During production, conveyance and filling process' of solids in the form of powders, bulk materials, granulates pellets and other shapes, dust will be generated.
This dust generation can lead to operation and environmental safety issues and impact on the production process reliability and product loss.
The DustView instrument can analyse a 30g bulk sample in 40 seconds and report a value that can be used as an indicator of dust level.