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Aerosol System

  • Solid Aerosol Generator
  • Solid Aerosol Generator
Solid Aerosol GeneratorSolid Aerosol Generator

Solid Aerosol Generator

  • Product description: Solid Aerosol Generator

Solid Aerosol Generator

For many applications in research, development and quality assurance and for the calibration of particle measurement devices, low-concentration powder based aerosols of just a few mg/m3 are required.
RBG series
The RBG system has been specified for users worldwide for over 25 years to reliably disperse non-cohesive powders including mineral dusts, medical compounds, pollen etc. in the size range ?100μm and with fine fractions ?100nm.
Monolithic solids like chalk can be dispersed consistently as a fine aerosol with repeatable concentration.
Mass flows can be achieved from approx. 40 mg/h through to 560 mg/h for a compacted powder density of 1 g/m3 with accurate and repeatable dosing consistancy and full dispersion of the powder into practically all individual particles.

Technical parameters:
? Particle material: non-cohesive powders
? Particle size: < 100 μm
? Mass flow dependent on powder
o RBG 1000: 40 mg/h–430 g/h*
o RBG 2000: 200 mg/h–560 g/h*
? with an assumed compacted density of 1 g/cm3
? Volume flow
o RBG 1000: 0.5–5.0 m3/h
o RBG 2000: 2.5–5.0 m3/h
? Max. back pressure:
? Standard version up to 200 mbar
? Pressure-resistant version up to 3 bar

BEG series
For more than 20 years the BEG 1000 has been used successfully for the reliable dispersing of non-cohesive powders such as ISO test dusts in the size range <200 μm up to flame soot in the size range <100 nm.
The main advantage of this belt based transport and dispersion system is the fact that it can be used continuously with highest dosing constancy, both for low mass flows with the BEG 1000 A (from 8 g/h) and for high mass flows with the BEG 1000 B (upto 6 kg/h).

Technical parameters:
? Particle material: non-cohesive powders and dusts
? Particle size: < 200 μm
? Mass flow dependent on powder:
o Type A ≈ 8 g/h – 550 g/h*
o Type B ≈ 100 g/h – 6 kg/h*
? *related to SAE Fine, A2 dust
? Volume flow: ≈ 5–10 m3/h
? Power supply: 115/230 V; 50/60 Hz
? Dimensions (H x W x D)
Dosing unit: 610 x 260 x 340 mm
Control unit: 195 x 260 x 340 mm
? Volume of the reservoir: 1500 cm3

AGK series
The AGK 2000 is a spray nozzle based generator, used for atomising solutions which can then be converted to solid aerosols, for example NaCl and KCl salt based aerosols, that are specified for testing in a range of protocols. Test particle generators must produce aerosols which have a particle size distribution and particle concentration which remain constant throughout the testing period. The particle size distribution and concentration must also be repeatable.

Technical parameters:
? Max. particle concentration: approx. 107 P/cm3 *
? Particle size spectrum: approx. 5 nm – 15 μm*
? Particle material: suspensions, solutions, biological agents,liquids
? Dosing time: > 8 h
? Volume flow rate: 3-10 l/min für AGK 2000
? Volume flow rate for optional drying system 6-20 l/min
? Weight: approx. 3 kg