
Language: Chinese line English

Semiconductor Measurement systemm

  •  Surface Forces Apparatus
  •  Surface Forces Apparatus
 Surface Forces Apparatus  Surface Forces Apparatus

Surface Forces Apparatus

  • Surface Forces Apparatus
  • Product description: Surface Forces Apparatus

Surface Forces Apparatus

A sophisticated research instrument for directly measuring static and dynamic forces between surfaces (inorganic, organic, metal, oxide, polymer, glasses, biological, etc.) and for studying interfacial and thin film phenomena at the molecular level. Modular design allows for expansion with numerous attachments and customized upgrades .


Dispersion science – “colloidal” forces between surfaces in liquids and controlled vapors

Adhesion science – long-range colloidal forces and short-range adhesion forces

Surface chemistry – surface and electrochemical interactions between dissimilar materials

Detergency, food research – forces between surfactant and lipid monolayers and bilayers

Biomaterials and biosurfaces – forces between protein and polymer-coated surfaces

Biomedical interactions – ligand-receptor, protein and model biomembrane interactions

Tribology – friction, lubrication and wear of smooth or rough surfaces, thin film rheology

Powder technology – capillary effects and surface deformations during interactions

Materials research – mechanical and failure properties of metal and oxide surfaces and films