
Language: Chinese line English

Mask Aligner

  • MLW-100



The MLW 100 is a versatile UV laser writer with ultra-high precision components, specifically designed to give the user the highest degree of freedom to create micro structures in photo sensitive layers. It includes a 405 nm optical module capable of writing structures as small as 300 nm in photo resist layers. This user friendly tool supports up to 4095 levels of grayscale or pure binary mode and allows for 3D optical structures, surface structures as well as mask projects.


  • Substrate sizeMin. 5 x 5 mm, max. 125 x 125 mm.
  • Substrate thickness0 - 4 mm manual adjustment. 12 mm with the optional motorized Z-axis installed.
  • Laser wavelength.405 nm, GaN laser diode.
  • Laser intensityMax. 3 mW in the spot. Software controllable.
  • Process resolutionMin. 600 nm
  • Alignment accuracy< 0.5 μm
  • Weight(kg)260 kg
  • Dimensions(mm) 580(W) * 708(H) * 600(D)

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